Amazing Grace
/ / A-
-ma------z-i-ing grace----- h-ow sweet---- the sound-- that
saved---- a-a-a wretch---- l-ike me------------- / / I-I
once----- w-a-s lost------ b-ut now------ I'm found--- w-as
blind---- b-u-t now------- I see------------.
/ / T'was
grace---- that taught---- my heart----- to fear- and
grace---- my fear------ r-e moved---------- / / How
preci-----ous did------- that grace----- a pear-- The
hour----- I first----- be- lieved--------- .
/ / Thru
man---------y dan------gers toils and snares we
have----- al- rea--------dy come Twas
grace----- that brought us safe thus far and
grace----- will lead us home
/ / when
we've been there ten thous- and years bright
shin- ing as the sun / / we've
no less days to sing God's praise then
when we first be- gun
| . . | . . | . . | . . |
alternative fancy version
/ / A-
-ma------z-i-ing grace----- h-ow sweet---- the sound-- that
saved---- a-a-a wretch---- l-ike me------------- / / I-I
once----- w-a-s lost------ b-ut now------ I'm found--- w-as
blind---- b-u-t now------- I see ---- ---- ---- -'twas