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# font documentation sources

The FontManager is described in the Programmer's Reference Manual 3 Chapter 61 Font file formats are described in the PRM Vol 4 Ch90 appendix E ADFS::HardDisc5.$.DOCZ.FONTDOC ADFS::HardDisc5.$.DOCZ.FONTDOC.IntMetricsFmt see ADFS::HardDisc5.$.DOCZ.FONTDOC.!Unicode see ADFS::HardDisc5.$.!Boot.Resources.!Unicode.files see ADFS::HardDisc5.$.!Boot.Resources.!Unicode.encodings see DOCS/ARCHIVE/HTML/ARCHIVE/VOLUME06/6_05/6_05 Volume 6, Issue 5, Using RISC-OS3 for example of commands see also ADFS::HardDisc5.$.PROGRAMZ.BASIC.ROUTINES.Examples.FontTest

# Font related Commands

*FontList lists the fonts currently cached *FontCat lists the fonts in *Configure FontMax [k] Max font cache size(cache grows while fonts in use) *FontInstall [] Installs a font directory for use by the Font Manager, and also ensures that the directory is rescanned. *FontLibrary Temporarily installs a font directory for use by the Font Manager. There is normally only one such directory at a time. *FontRemove Removes a font directory from the Font Manager's list. see DOCS/ARCHIVE/HTML/ARCHIVE/VOLUME06/6_05/6_05 Volume 6, Issue 5, Using RISC-OS3 for example of commands see also ADFS::HardDisc5.$.PROGRAMZ.ROUTINES.Examples.FontTest

# Install a Font Risc PC only

>>configure>fonts>Show this opens directory !Boot.Resources.!Fonts drop new font directory into above then... >>configure>fonts rescan

# Install a font - Iyonix

copy into: ADFS::HardDisc5.$.!Boot.Resources.!Fonts ** if Messages1 is not present then all fonts in folder are available ** delete Messages1 - a new one will be created double click !Fonts to rescan fonts and make the new font available key *fontcat to list fonts

# Enabling & disabling fonts - Richard Mellish

The system I have adopted is to keep only a few frequently-used fonts in !Fonts, with the rest grouped in other directories. I have named mine !sans, !serif, !symbol etc, but you could group them however you like. Each of these is, obviously, an 'application' directory and each has a Basic !RunImage file that toggles all the fonts within it on and off. If that group of fonts is not currently in Font$Path, they are added to it, and if they are already there they are removed. !Run file Set Otherfonts$Dir Run .!RunImage !RunImage file REM RunImage file for application to toggle extra fonts on/off DIM block% 255 SYS "OS_ReadVarVal","Font$Path",block%,255,0,3 TO ,,len% block%?len%=13 Fontpath$ = $block% SYS "OS_ReadVarVal","Otherfonts$Dir",block%,255,0,3 TO ,,len% block%?len%=13 Otherfontspath$ = $block% IF INSTR(Fontpath$,Otherfontspath$) THEN *FontRemove . ELSE *FontInstall . ENDIF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You could add a new file Messages1 to your !Font directory. This is a text file which contains one line for each font in the directory. If it exists, it is read and the details it contains are added to the installed fonts. Of course, if it is wrong or not up-to-date, the font manager either won't see your fonts, or can get into a tizz about fonts it can't find when you try to use them. The format of the file is detailed somewhere in the PRMs, but here's a snippet from mine: Font_NewHall.Bold: Font_Selwyn: Font_Sidney: Font_System.Fixed: LFont_Arial.Condensed.ExtraBold: LFont_Arial.Light:* Font_AvantG.Book:* A font is in one of two categories: an L at the start indicates it's a language font (i.e. with different versions for different language sets), and you can tell because the font directory files have a 0 at the end of the name (i.e. IntMetric0 and Outlines0). Some fonts are aliased so that the name of the font isn't necessarily the name of the directory; this is indicated by the alias coming after the colon, e.g. Font_CooperBlac.Italic:Cooper Black.Italic The * indicates the default font in a set, so for example if you selected Arial in the above set, you would get Arial.Light unless you selected a different weight.

# fonts in PDFs

MW. Ghostscript is the only PDF rendering solution on RISC OS that gets all the fonts right. Always. RiScript gets a substantial part of the fonts right. !PDF a fraction. More technically - !PDF only gets the standard PostScript fonts (Times, Helvetica etc) and Type3 fonts right (Type3 fonts are not really used much except by the RISC OS PostScript printer driver). RiScript gets Type1 fonts right as well (in addition to the previous). Ghostscript also gets TrueType fonts right (in addition to all the previous). Ghostscript DOES embed the fonts when it converts Postscript to PDF. It's just that the RiscOS *readers* for PDF display everything in the default fonts (Trinity, Homerton, Corpus). However, viewing the same PDF on the other platforms will show the correct fonts. The Acorn PostScript 2 driver generates Type3 fonts for all RISC OS fonts that do not have associated Type1 information. RiScript automatically substitutes Type1 font definitions for these Type3 fonts when converting from PostScript to PDF if the font in question is installed at the time of the conversion. The PostScript 3 driver generates Type1 definitions to begin with, which avoids the whole issue. Ghostscript does not change any fonts when converting from PostScript to PDF. It just embeds the fonts it finds in the PostScript file into the PDF file.

# Unicode font

DejaView and Cyberbit - NetSurf team said download and convert for Unicode chars with TTF2f Translation is generally via mapping tables. These are stored in Unicode:Encodings.

# font conversion Apps

!effTTT and !EFFmanual both run under aemulor !effTTT works well - drop tt font on to window and convert. it puts resultant font into ADFS::HardDisc5.$.!Boot.Resources.!Fonts or NetSurf: NB - use option Unicode or odd-even - Postscript gave a problem with MarVoSym

# to convert a font

download font from web eg dblftr/ttf Run ADFS::HardDisc5.$.APPZ.T1.!TTF2f drop font file on icon bar and click choose target for converted font:- ADFS::HardDisc5.$.!Boot.Resources.!Fonts click Convert font will appear in font directory click on .....!Fonts to rescan new font should now be available move or copy the new font to either: ADFS::HardDisc5.$.FONTZ.fromRPC.!FontsA-M or ADFS::HardDisc5.$.FONTZ.fromRPC.!FontsO-Z or somewhere else!

# Font Mapping

Artworks Rough Guide has mappings of Acorn to Postscript !Fontprint shows mappings for an active Postscript printer Acorn to PS - use ADFS::HardDisc4.$.Printing.!FontPrint see the help file for details: ADFS::HardDisc4.$.Printing.!FontPrint.!Help A "mapping" is a spec of how a RISC OS font maps to a PostScript font. E.g. Trinity.Medium Map to Times-Roman RISC OS font "Trinity.Medium" should be displayed on the printer using the PostScript font "Times-Roman". "Download" entries indicate that a RISCOS font should be downloaded to the printer whenever !Printers is started. The conversion ofthe RISC OS font into an equivalent PostScript font is handled automatically by the printing system.

# Font Path

ormally set to : ADFS::HardDisc4.$.!Boot.Resources.!Fonts., .,Resources:$.Fonts contents of ADFS::HardDisc4.$.!Boot.Resources.!Fonts ( 13 nov 04) !Boot LR/R Obey 09:53:45 05-Nov-1996 596 bytes !Help LR/R Text 09:53:45 05-Nov-1996 854 bytes !Run LR/R Obey 09:53:45 05-Nov-1996 257 bytes !Sprites LR/R Sprite 15:03:19 23-Nov-2002 6 Kbytes !Sprites11 WR/ Sprite 11:03:04 10-Mar-2003 11 Kbytes !Sprites22 LR/R Sprite 16:51:09 18-Nov-2002 7 Kbytes ANTIQUE D/ Directory 08:19:18 03-Feb-1997 2048 bytes AvantG D/ Directory 20:48:02 21-May-2004 2048 bytes Brussels D/ Directory 22:42:34 17-Sep-1999 2048 bytes Gowdie D/ Directory 21:09:09 23-Jun-2004 2048 bytes Messages1 WR/ Text 21:09:09 23-Jun-2004 254 bytes NewHall D/WR Directory 08:47:08 13-May-2004 2048 bytes Sassoon D/WR Directory 08:47:08 13-May-2004 2048 bytes Selwyn D/WR Directory 08:47:08 13-May-2004 2048 bytes Sidney D/WR Directory 08:47:08 13-May-2004 2048 bytes System D/WR Directory 08:47:08 13-May-2004 2048 bytes contents of Resources:$.Fonts panther Corpus DWR/ Directory 12:13:55 24-Mar-1999 90 bytes Encodings DWR/ Directory 12:13:55 24-Mar-1999 3547 bytes Homerton DWR/ Directory 16:06:57 29-Jun-1999 898 bytes Messages1 WR/ Text 12:13:55 24-Mar-1999 485 bytes Trinity DWR/ Directory 16:06:58 29-Jun-1999 975 bytes WIMPSymbol DWR/ Directory 12:09:53 24-Mar-1999 2315 bytes

# Find a font or what font is that?

there is a web site that is said to match a font sample you provide on as a bitmap to a dictionary of fonts and tell you the answer. WhatTheFont supports most common image formats, for example GIF, JPEG, TIFF, BMP. The maximum image size is around 360 x 275 pixels. The ideal letter height for the best search result is about 100 pixels. Try to get the text horizontal and make sure letters are not touching. WhatTheFont will only recognize uppercase and lowercase letters. For more tips and information, please see WhatTheFont Usage Notes. If your image doesn‘t work with WTF, don‘t worry! You can still submit it to the WhatTheFont Forum.

# Font Sampler

use use advanced search and when font is found you can choose to create a sample

# Rename a font

The only way to rename a font is to use a font editor to alter the name, then alter the folder names to match. Note that if the font kas kerning then FontED will "lose" the kerning data when the font is loaded. You can recover from this by using the free APDL Font Designers Toolkit to remove the kerning before editing, then put the kerning back on again afterwards. If you have a copy of either DrFonty ior FontFiend then these can be used to edit the faulty font name whilst keeping the kerning intact.

# PostScript Equivalent Cross-platform (Chris Nerwman)

In anyone is interested or cares I did a bit more research. Riscos PS Font Pill/Dem Windows Churchill ZapfChancery Chaucer MonotypeCorsiva Clare # AvantGarde Vogue CenturyGothic Corpus Courier Curator CourierNew Homerton Helvetica SwissB Ariel ------------- HelviticaNarrow ------------ ArielNarrow NewHall NewCenturySch....------------ CenturySchoolbook Pembroke Palatino Paladin Book Antiqua Robinson # Bookman Bookmark BookmanOldStyle Selwyn ZapfDingbats DPDings (MonotypeSorts) Sydney Symbol SymbolB Symbol Trinity Times ------------ Times New Roman This chart made using info from Archive Magazine March 2007 Gerald's Column (Gerald Fitton) & the help file within David Pilling's fonts zip file. I made a databse in Powerbase to collate the info. The origal Beebug fonts came with Ovation. The Pilling/Demertau sets were designed by Tonnie Demartau. There is a set to be used in David Pillings Ovation Pro for Riscos & another for the Windows version. These sets have exactly the same names in the Riscos & the Windows version. The UPDATED Beebug fonts from David Pilling's website must only be used by purchasers of Ovation Pro. ie SwissB, Curator, Paladin, Vogue, Bookmark, Chaucer, SymbolB. MonotypeSorts is in brackets as it's not a verygood match. The fonts marked ”#• were apparently intended by Acorn but I'm not sure if they were produced. Perhaps Computer Concepts shipped them with Impression or Clares/Beebug may have used them. Gerald Fitton is sure he has seen these names in documents. Feel free to shoot all this down in flames. Chris Newman

# Iyonix font status 27.02.12

in Resources:$.Fonts :- Resources:$.Fonts.Corpus ...Corpus.Bold ...Corpus.Bold.IntMetric0 ...Corpus.Bold.Oblique ...Corpus.Bold.Oblique.IntMetric0 ...Corpus.Bold.Oblique.Outlines0 ...Corpus.Bold.Outlines0 ...Corpus.Medium ...Corpus.Medium.IntMetric0 ...Corpus.Medium.Oblique ...Corpus.Medium.Oblique.IntMetric0 ...Corpus.Medium.Oblique.Outlines0 ...Corpus.Medium.Outlines0 ...Encodings ...Encodings./Base0 ...Encodings./Default ...Encodings.Cyrillic ...Encodings.Greek ...Encodings.Hebrew ...Encodings.Latin1 ...Encodings.Latin10 ...Encodings.Latin2 ...Encodings.Latin3 ...Encodings.Latin4 ...Encodings.Latin5 ...Encodings.Latin6 ...Encodings.Latin7 ...Encodings.Latin8 ...Encodings.Latin9 ...Encodings.UTF8 ...Encodings.Welsh ...Homerton ...Homerton.Bold ...Homerton.Bold.IntMetric0 ...Homerton.Bold.Oblique ...Homerton.Bold.Oblique.IntMetric0 ...Homerton.Bold.Oblique.Outlines0 ...Homerton.Bold.Outlines0 ...Homerton.Medium ...Homerton.Medium.IntMetric0 ...Homerton.Medium.Oblique ...Homerton.Medium.Oblique.IntMetric0 ...Homerton.Medium.Oblique.Outlines0 ...Homerton.Medium.Outlines0 ...Messages1 ...Trinity ...Trinity.Bold ...Trinity.Bold.IntMetric0 ...Trinity.Bold.Italic ...Trinity.Bold.Italic.IntMetric0 ...Trinity.Bold.Italic.Outlines0 ...Trinity.Bold.Outlines0 ...Trinity.Medium ...Trinity.Medium.IntMetric0 ...Trinity.Medium.Italic ...Trinity.Medium.Italic.IntMetric0 ...Trinity.Medium.Italic.Outlines0 ...Trinity.Medium.Outlines0 ...WIMPSymbol ...WIMPSymbol.Encoding ...WIMPSymbol.f240x120 ...WIMPSymbol.IntMetrics ...WIMPSymbol.Outlines in ADFS::HardDisc5.$.!Boot.Resources.!Fonts ...!Boot ...!Help ...!Run ...!Sprites ...!Sprites11 ...!Sprites22 ...AnonymousR ...AnonymousR.Intmetrics ...AnonymousR.Outlines ...Arial ...Arial.Intmetrics ...Arial.Outlines ...AvantG ...AvantG.Book ...AvantG.Book.IntMetrics ...AvantG.Book.Oblique ...AvantG.Book.Oblique.IntMetrics ...AvantG.Book.Oblique.Outlines ...AvantG.Book.Outlines ...AvantG.Demi ...AvantG.Demi.IntMetrics ...AvantG.Demi.Oblique ...AvantG.Demi.Oblique.IntMetrics ...AvantG.Demi.Oblique.Outlines ...AvantG.Demi.Outlines ...bloody ...bloody.Encoding ...bloody.IntMetrics ...bloody.Outlines ...Calligraph ...Calligraph.421 ...Calligraph.421.BT ...Calligraph.421.BT.Intmetrics ...Calligraph.421.BT.Outlines ...DoulosSIL ...DoulosSIL.Encoding ...DoulosSIL.IntMetrics ...DoulosSIL.Outlines ...Friendly ...Friendly.IntMetrics ...Friendly.Outlines ...Gill ...Gill.Sans ...Gill.Sans.Intmetrics ...Gill.Sans.MT ...Gill.Sans.MT.Bold ...Gill.Sans.MT.Bold.Intmetrics ...Gill.Sans.MT.Bold.Italic ...Gill.Sans.MT.Bold.Italic.Intmetrics ...Gill.Sans.MT.Bold.Italic.Outlines ...Gill.Sans.MT.Bold.Outlines ...Gill.Sans.MT.Condensed ...Gill.Sans.MT.Condensed.Intmetrics ...Gill.Sans.MT.Condensed.Outlines ...Gill.Sans.MT.Ext ...Gill.Sans.MT.Ext.Condensed ...Gill.Sans.MT.Ext.Condensed.Bold ...Gill.Sans.MT.Ext.Condensed.Bold.Intmetrics ...Gill.Sans.MT.Ext.Condensed.Bold.Outlines ...Gill.Sans.MT.Italic ...Gill.Sans.MT.Italic.Intmetrics ...Gill.Sans.MT.Italic.Outlines ...Gill.Sans.Outlines ...Gill.Sans.Ultra ...Gill.Sans.Ultra.Bold ...Gill.Sans.Ultra.Bold.Condensed ...Gill.Sans.Ultra.Bold.Condensed.Intmetrics ...Gill.Sans.Ultra.Bold.Condensed.Outlines ...Gill.Sans.Ultra.Bold.Intmetrics ...Gill.Sans.Ultra.Bold.Outlines ...Gowdie ...Gowdie.Italian ...Gowdie.Italian.IntMetrics ...Gowdie.Italian.Outlines ...Harrington ...Harrington.IntMetrics ...Harrington.Outlines ...NewHall ...NewHall.Bold ...NewHall.Bold.IntMetrics ...NewHall.Bold.Italic ...NewHall.Bold.Italic.IntMetrics ...NewHall.Bold.Italic.Outlines ...NewHall.Bold.Outlines ...NewHall.Medium ...NewHall.Medium.IntMetrics ...NewHall.Medium.Italic ...NewHall.Medium.Italic.IntMetrics ...NewHall.Medium.Italic.Outlines ...NewHall.Medium.Outlines ...Quicksand ...Quicksand.Bold ...Quicksand.Bold.Encoding ...Quicksand.Bold.Intmetric0 ...Quicksand.Bold.Oblique ...Quicksand.Bold.Oblique.Encoding ...Quicksand.Bold.Oblique.Intmetric0 ...Quicksand.Bold.Oblique.Outlines0 ...Quicksand.Bold.Outlines0 ...Quicksand.Book ...Quicksand.Book.Encoding ...Quicksand.Book.Intmetric0 ...Quicksand.Book.Oblique ...Quicksand.Book.Oblique.Encoding ...Quicksand.Book.Oblique.Intmetric0 ...Quicksand.Book.Oblique.Outlines0 ...Quicksand.Book.Outlines0 ...Quicksand.Dash ...Quicksand.Dash.Encoding ...Quicksand.Dash.Intmetric0 ...Quicksand.Dash.Outlines0 ...Quicksand.Light ...Quicksand.Light.Encoding ...Quicksand.Light.Intmetric0 ...Quicksand.Light.Oblique ...Quicksand.Light.Oblique.Encoding ...Quicksand.Light.Oblique.Intmetric0 ...Quicksand.Light.Oblique.Outlines0 ...Quicksand.Light.Outlines0 ...Saren ...Saren.Black ...Saren.Black.IntMetrics ...Saren.Black.Outlines ...Saren.Italic ...Saren.Italic.IntMetrics ...Saren.Italic.Outlines ...Sassoon ...Sassoon.Primary ...Sassoon.Primary.Bold ...Sassoon.Primary.Bold.Intmetric0 ...Sassoon.Primary.Bold.Outlines0 ...Sassoon.Primary.Intmetric0 ...Sassoon.Primary.Outlines0 ...Selwyn ...Selwyn.Encoding ...Selwyn.IntMetrics ...Selwyn.Outlines ...Sidney ...Sidney.Encoding ...Sidney.IntMetrics ...Sidney.Outlines ...System ...System.Fixed ...System.Fixed.f240x120 ...System.Fixed.f240x240 ...System.Fixed.IntMetrics ...System.Fixed.Outlines ...System.Medium ...System.Medium.IntMetrics ...System.Medium.Outlines ...Zephyr ...Zephyr.Script ...Zephyr.Script.IntMetrics ...Zephyr.Script.Outlines ..

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