PhotoDesk and
Other Photo Software# Collections and Selections of photos
Collections superset and Selections subset# pix for mag front
good size is x 3.25" 2.25" > 292 x 202 > 585 x 405 @ 150 dpi# shortcuts
PD shft-sel Move alt-shft-sel Magnify ctrl-tab toggle full screen AW left-alt Select AltGr Move# fix for loading Photodesk in high memory
David Ruck has written a patch to allow Photodesk to work on > 128MB and < 1GB computers without quitting apps or having to be loaded first, see ...PROJECTZ.0_Closed.2photodesk# Scanning and photograph hints
Use a black background when photographing documents. This gives a "whiter" background. Put a piece of black card behind what you are scanning to reduce scan-through the paper. ---druck A white background may not be quite as white as it appears. Usually there are pixels that are close to white in the mix. It may be neccessary to change these to white in some way. There are several ways of doing this, eg masking and painting with magic wand in Photodesk.# Transparency observations
Mostly the starting point is a JPEG probably from a screen capture. The task is to mask out the background. Preferably this should be white. I usually try to create a mask using Photodesk magic wand set to global scope. This leaves some fuzziness around the pictured objects which give an unwanted halo effect when used on top of a darkish image in ArtWorks. An alternative approach is to use the Photodesk magic wand (global scope) to colour pale pixels white, and dark pixels black. For the following method the picture does not need to be masked so it can be saved as a jpeg and then dropped into ArtWorks. Here it can be given a transparency setting of "Stained glass". Y eh voila! the background shows through and there is no halo effect.# Transparency conversions
Jpeg with a single background colour TRANSPARENT METHOD 1 ( robin hounsome and martin wuerthner csa.apps) >> Masking effect Tick - Work image into mask >> Magic wand tool > whole image Click on image >> Masking effect > Invert >> Masking effect > Options... > Channel options >Opacity > 1% > Update >> File > Save as... > Sprite TRANSPARENT METHOD 2 PhotoDesk - drop jpeg on clipboard clean up image background - using wand and paint brush select "Mask" tool select "Magic wand", scope local click on background colour to make mask clean up again with single pixel paintbrush save as Sprite TRANSPARENT METHOD 3 ArtWorks - export as Sprite, Masked backtround 16M Selection box Paint - Show colours... None (tick) Show tools... Fill tool replace colour select white pixel if shades of white may several clicks or use different tools ArtWorks - drop back in and export as PNG with alpha mask 16M TRANSPARENT METHOD 4 - Jpeg to GIF PhotoDesk - drop jpeg on clipboard channels > change image mode... indexed tick analyse, convert save as ... file type GIF, index 255(white) tick transparency, drag save.# to make a transparent png
From ArtWorks - surround objects by rectangle with no line colour and no fill colour. > >File >export >Bitmap... (Shift-ctrl-E) Output format: PNG Masked background: No * Alpha Mask: Yes Scope: Selection/Selection box * masked background works, but Alpha mask is better if image is to be displayed on a complex background# to make a transparent gif
only works with drawings NOT jpegs From ArtWorks - > >File >export >Bitmap... (Shift-ctrl-E) Output format: GIF Masked background: Yes Colours: 256 Scope: Selection/Selection box Palette: Optimized Error diffusion: Yes important **** drag drop to save# to make transparent sprites
paint>edit>mask select mask from colours fill white bits of background >paint>save>sprite# to test a transparent gif or png
add to ADFS::HardDisc5.$.WEBZ.testsite.site11 and run index/html# to make a range of colours palette - tip
>Colouring effect make the first colour with dropper or use slider drag it on to palette strip choose or make the second colour drag it on to palette strip now select the first colour then adjust select the second a smooth range of colours is produced# Manipulate photo images with RISCOS apps
- FSIBatch : change physical size - Photodesk: - JSize : change dpi resolution changes the display size in apps that respect the dpi eg Artworks# Crop
- Photodesk (best) - Variations - Jcut - Artworks (clipview) use to crop photos to same size for display on tv set paper size to A0 create cropping rectangle in ratio 1920 1080 (16 x 9) picture sizes are 2592 x 1728 5m 2048 x 1536 3m 1280 x 840 1m# Shades of Grey - Convert Colour to Monochrome
method 0 - use !FSI_Batch click Output button B&W Scale 1:1 Start method 1 - not toolable or reversible. Channels... >>Change image mode>Indexed... Grey !Convert (note it cannot now be saved as Jpeg) method 2 - toolable Palette... >tone [S]aturation -100% method 3 - use PrivateEye >>Edit >Convert to sprite >>Edit >Effects... Add - drag Greyscale to window >Apply Save as sprite or use Snapper to convert to JPEG method 4 - use JCut - tick>Greyscale# Greys to white
>>Image Processing >Equalise >Linear equalisation drag the right and left arrows in to the middle to convert greys to white. Experiment to get best result. use magic wand whole image at 100% (it may be worth setting the wand limits high say 40 %) Convert to Indexed grey scale Covert back to Jpeg and save# Remove Date
- FX >clone, smudge# Red correct - too much red -
Samsung CLP550 usually prints with too much red from a jpeg. - Red correct using Variations If Jpeg prints with too much red drop it into !Variations Hue effect. settings - alter R G B variance 50% usually one click +12 degrees is sufficient or Saturation effect might need to go to 20% - PhotoDesk image processing >balance: CR-10 MG+30 YB+30 strength 50 very cool effect CR-5 MG+5 YB+0 strength 50 subtle alternatively use image processing >enhance>shadow at 10%-15%# Red correct - not enough red
!Channels... Image mode needs to be RGB disable edit for Red channel !Image processing... !B_Math !L_Subtract out constant !Magic wand... 10% strength !B_Whole image click on picture# Red eye removal
JR new method Drawing tool Opacity 100% filled circle mask the red pupil use several overlapping circles rather than one. invert mask paint pupil black put in white highlight erase mask old method:- zoom in on eye Paint>Tone.. Saturation -50% Airbrush.. smallest brush, 30% density paint away the red# Vignette PhotoDesk
1. montage mode (scissors icon) arrow icon for copy> radio button feather 25 Pix drawing tools> filled ellipse, rectangles, segments drag selection allowing room for feathers to grow drag and drop on new canvas save as jpeg 2. Smorgasborders - see Photodesk manual page 38 for full details load jpeg draw shape in channel #4 FX diffusion map edit RGB (click #0) with Alpha Mask ticked paint white# Vignette ArtWorks
jpeg into AW as long as you just want the image to fade to white Draw the resulting shape you want and clone it three times. Use one copy to clip the image to the shape, then apply a thick outline in black to the second copy and a very thin outline in white to third (which is on top of the second). Blend from the second to the third. Then give blend 0% Bleach transparency. This works because Bleach transparency with black has no effect whereas bleach transparency with white is like fully opaque white. Blending can vary the line colour along an arbitrary contour and Bleach transparency effectively converts greyscales to transparency.# Vignette Variations
drop jpeg into Variations ! fade try a few - there appear to be lots! you can move the jpeg about with shift-drag save# Blur
FX> blur> Box.. 4 pixel radius to smooth out a magnified pic or use Diffusion mapping 50:50 does a nice job on simple images# Lighten / Brighten
Using Colouring effect (pain pots icon on left) Tone..Saturation +50% Tone..Value - high values with magic wand work well Good results for photos of pen and ink sketches with: Image Processing Gamma >Increase contrast If it looks a bit washed out darken lines by applying: Special Effects> Outline> Min Max with radius 1 pixel Image Processing >Equalisation (a bit complicated- see manual) but... try:-; Linear equalisation; Strength 100; G 0.9; click the preview button - it shows the effect instantly and thereafter works in real time Map - there are 4 numbers, 2 for each end of the scale They are set by default to expand the range of colours You can change them by clicking on the graph, or keying numbers -click the half-moon icon to reset to default Image Processing >Math>.."Add in constant" at 5% Image Processing >Math >Reverse solarise - good to whiten teeth Image Processing >Gamma brighten all tones Image Processing >Gamma brighten low tones Image Processing >Gamma brighten mid tones etc# Fuzzy out background
- Special effects>Map>Diffuse follow with a bit of blur and maybe an image process math reverse solarise# Reduce the number of colours
image processing >math>quantise 100% goes to black with mono images it introduces colours# Make eyes bluer
colour trade with white sample pink use spray tool# Colour trading
black trade - subtract trade colour note 0-F = F white trade - add inverse of trade colour eg colour F00 has inverse of 0FF clip to max - F, ie F+F = 0 trade colour is red F00 inverse 0FF on..... black white red f00 000 fff mag f0f 00f ff0 blu 00f f0f 0f0 yel ff0 0f0 f0f gre 0f0 ff0 00f cya 0ff fff 000 dre 800 800 8ff dma 808 808 8f8 dbl 008 f08 0f8 dye 880 880 88f dgr 080 f80 08f dcy 088 f88 088# Solarize
At 100% strength it changes a colour to its complement. Green 100% changes to magenta 100% At 50% it converts a two colour continuum to one complementary colour. Red-green becomes white-blue-white. White is unchanged below 50%. click again and the cylinders split into two etc.# Reverse Solarize
At 50% it converts a lineatwo colour continuum to one colour with a shine. A red-green rectangle becomes a 3d cylinder in gold! Type 3 combinations, eg red-cyan, become a 3d cylinders in silver! A green-blue rectangle becomes a 3d cylinder in cyan click again and the cylinders split into two 3d cylinders.# Quantise
At 100% it converts a two colour continuum into 1 colour (or black) At 50% it converts a two colour continuum into 2 colours. At 25% it converts a two colour continuum into 4 colours At 10% it converts a two colour continuum into 10 colours. Depending on content, you can get some interesting effects with values just below a value that makes nearly everything black. Eg try using 90% and going lower until colours start to appear.# Combination of Quantise, Solarise, and Reverse Solarize
Experiment with repeated applications using magic wand and whole image.# colour combinations
If you create a continuum between green and magenta the mid point is grey. This is true of the other complimentary pairs. Red cyan, and yellow blue. rr rg rb rc ry rm gr gg gb gc gy gm br bg bb bc by bm cr cg cb cc cy cm yr yg yb yc yy ym mr mg mb mc my mm rg rb rc ry rm gb gc gy gm bc by bm cy cm ym r-g = ym-yc type 2 r-b = ym-cm type 2 r-c = ym-c type 3 r-y = ym-y type 1 via orange r-m = ym-m type 1 g-b = cy-cm type 2 g-c = cy-c type 1 g-y = cy-y type 1 g-m = cy-m type 3 b-c = cm-c type 1 b-y = cm-y type 3 b-m = cm-m type 1 c-y = c-y type 2 c-m = c-m type 2 type y-m = y-m type 2 1 gives a clean transition 2 transition via shades of grey 3 transition via pure grey at midpoint# PrivateEye
uses cached images, after, say, cropping with Jcut empty the cache from the icon bar. cannot read some sprites Sprite captured from the screen with snapper or paint sometimes do not work in PrivateEye.They show bits of picture or all the picture as small chequers - this seems to be related to complexity. EG grey screen shows but Netsurf window furniture and some contents show as chequers. Thump and Variations work ok. PrivateEye says the pix that don't work are 32bpp with alpha. (They were created with no mask so should not say this)# rotating images with jpegtrans
jpegtran basic form for single file: *jpegtran -rotate 270 @.foo270/jpg Obey file for batch rotate:- Echo jpegtran rotate 270 option. Other rotate options are 90 or 180<10> Set Alias$rotate SetEval leaf "%%0" RIGHT(LEN "%%0"-2)|mEcho ||mjpegtran -rotate 270 | @.rotated270.| CDir @.rotated270 Repeat rotate @ -type c85 Set Alias$jpegtype SetType %%0 c85 Repeat jpegtype @.rotated270 Unset Alias$rotate Unset Alias$jpegtype Copy the jpegs to be rotated to a temporary directory, say TEMP1 Copy ADFS::HardDisc5.$.PROGRAMZ.Obeys.rotatejpeg90 (or ..270) to TEMP1 set the CSD to TEMP1 double-click on rotatejpeg90 the files will be in directory TEMP1.rotated90 # screen grab snapshot capture
# Snapper - The Best - David Pilling - Chris Johnson flexible - Screen Area Window Contents saves to user choice jpeg png gif ... hot keys - configurable - shft shft currently Snap button can move pointer out of the way # Paint 1 iconmenu >>Snapshot... 2 [B] ok 3 drag, 4 let go, 5 rename (cursor in write icon already) 6 drag to target directory 7 drop bad features: easy to forget 2 above no autoname save window lost if you click to open filer good points - will grab areas defined by pointer # ScreenGrabber Chris Bazley 2006 grabs whole screen - can do continuous snaps hotkey is Print Screen (manually config) # !WindowRd screen capture app hot keys - BOTH shifts saves window under pointer This can include other windows on top of it, and also menus.
© JR 2013